IASAS has been a proud sponsor and organizer of summits for professional leaders and student leaders
Each summit brings leaders in student affairs and services from around the globe to engage in dialogue around critical issues in student affairs and services.
Global Summit for Student Affairs & Services
It takes place every two years, with the first one taking place in the United States (Washington D.C.) back in 2012 and has now been hosted on four continents. The Summit brings leaders in student affairs and services from around the globe to engage in dialogue around critical issues in student affairs and services.
Student Leader Global Summit
is an annual event that provides a global platform to bring student leaders from different parts of the world together to discuss student governance, leadership, mental health and wellbeing, or other topics of shared interest.
The first summit was held in Montreal, Canada (2016) in partnership with the College Student Educators International (ACPA) and Lead365.
The experience continued in 2017 in Columbus, Ohio (U.S.) and in 2018 Houston, Texas (U.S.).
The 2019 summit was hosted by the University of Stellenbosch, South Africa (30 minutes from Cape Town) June 24-27. The theme was leadership and mental health. To learn more about the 2019 summit read a review in the Journal of Student Affairs in Africa by clicking here.
The next IASAS Student Leader Global Summit 2024 will take place in Pretoria, South Africa on 19-21 July 2024.
We are looking for hosts for the next Student Leader Global Summit (SLGS). Student Global Summits provide a global platform for improving multi and intercultural communication and understanding between students which is part of the mission of the International Association for Student Affairs and Services (IASAS).
The goal of the summits is to bring student leaders from different parts of the world together to discuss student governance, leadership, climate action, wellbeing, social justice, or other topics of shared interest.
Learn more about the concept and how to submit a proposal here.