Host the Global Summit
The Global Summit brings together leaders in Student Affairs from across the globe to engage in strategic dialogue on key issues in Student Affairs and Higher Education. It is a platform for critical discussion and deepening the community of practice that spans the globe, within an international framework and local relevance for students and institutions.
The 8th Global Summit on Student Affairs and Services will be hosted at the University of Toronto and the Canadian Association for College and University Student Affairs and Services (CACUSS) on 27-30 May 2026. Previous Global Summits were held in Washington (2012), Rome (2014), Cape Town (2016), Santiago (2018), Virtual (2021), Cork (2022), and Daegu (2024).
The host institutions benefit from international exposure across the globe and positioning in the international Student Affairs and Higher Education domain.
Time and Date of Summit
We invite applications to host a future Global Summit. The summit takes place every two years. The summit can be linked to a conference, occasion or can be a stand-alone event. The summit is three days including a
tour of nearby education institutions and usually an optional tour of the area after the summit. Below is a draft of the schedule for past summits:
Day 1
AM Tours of nearby universities
PM Welcome and Opening Reception
Day 2
9:00-17:00 Summit program/discussions
19:00 Gala Dinner
Day 3
9:00-17:00 Summit program/discussions
19:00 Optional dinner
Day 4
9:00-17:00 Optional tours of the local area
Host Responsibilities
The host institution usually takes responsibility for these items and activities, always with support from and in collaboration with IASAS’s Global Summit Organizing team.
​​The responsibilities are:
Determine the registration fee, guideline is usually between 300-450 Euros
Suggest and structure the theme, program, and outcomes for the summit
Organize and host keynote speakers.
Assist and manage marketing and invitations
Assist participants with logistics for accommodations and transportation to and from the airport
Assist and structure the facilitation of the summit
Provide meeting space, AV equipment, technology to ensure a hybrid format, and food for the summit
Manage registration process and supplies, gifts
Organize, plan and host site visit
Host and organize regular meetings (online) with IASAS and the local Organizing Committee
IASAS responsibilities
IASAS assists with all processes and advises the host institution, based on past experiences. Key responsibilities include:
Manage marketing and invitations
Assist with the program and other logistics
Assist with the facilitation of the Global Summit
Welcome and Closure
Memorandum or Summary to key stakeholders
Website Management
If interested in hosting the Global Summit please provide a proposal that responds to the requirement in this prospectus. Your proposal should speak to a few key aspects, including:
Your institution’s standing and reach in the Higher Education sector in your region
Your institution’s resources and ability to support your bid
Access to the site of the conference (transport, online, and hybrid)
The accommodation possibilities for attendees
Your staffing capacity to support the Global Summit organization
Vision for theme and content
If you need more information please contact us at,, and
Higher Education Institution