IASAS is a non-profit organization which began life as an informal network of higher education professionals around the world working in the area of student affairs and services.
Most higher education systems around the world have some form of service provision for students that goes beyond direct instruction and includes administrative support and programming to enhance student learning and success.
Student affairs and services providers, in a variety of ways depending on the country and culture in which they are provided, carry out such functions as admission, student records, student finance, learning assistance and tutoring, multi and cross cultural education, student advocacy, leadership education, career services, health and counselling, new student programs, and other services that directly support students in the higher education environment, adding value to their educational and lifetime learning experience.
Since its inception, IASAS has grown both in size and influence, reaching a watershed moment in July 2013 when it obtained its Charter in Brussels in 2013 and confirmed the Constitution and Bylaws that governs IASAS' work.
As an organization, IASAS acts as a global advocate for students engaged in higher education, student affairs and services practitioners and for the profession itself.
Operating on a global level, IASAS aims to provide and encourage enhanced communication and support for its members by:
sharing good practices
facilitating internships and exchanges
organizing conferences and workshops
supporting our global community in building new and better organizational structures for the delivery of student affairs and services.

We provide a global platform for improving multi and intercultural communication and understanding;
We strengthen and diversify co-operation between individuals and organizations working in student affairs and services worldwide;
We promote both the profession itself and the welfare of students at an international level through advocacy with governmental and higher education organizations;
We provide consultation and advisory services for government organizations, university leaders, student services staff and graduate students.