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IASAS research activities, include:


  • Collecting and disseminating information regarding various publication outlets around the world.


  • Encouraging research in less commonly represented parts of the world by supporting members in their research that will advance their institution or their staff role.


  • Creating forums for members to network and connect with others who are interested in research on specific student affairs and services topic.


  • Encouraging comparative international student affairs and services research.


  • Assisting the board in researching ideas and projects that will benefit the members of the association, including facilitating periodic and regular member-needs assessments


Interested in advancing international research
in Student Affairs and Services?


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Student Affairs & Services in Higher Education: Global Foundations, Issues, and Best Practices



Ludeman, R. B. & Schreiber, B. (Eds.). 2020. Student Affairs and Services in Higher Education: Global Foundations, Issues, and Best Practices, 3rd ed, pp. 1-629. Published by the International Association of Student Affairs and Services (IASAS) in cooperation with the Deutsches Studentenwerk (DSW) Publishers, Berlin, Germany.

The book is a reference for every actor in the Higher Education sector: it includes reports and materials about student affairs services and practices from over 125 countries in the world and addresses the most comprehensive range of topics connected to Student Affairs and Services. 

This 3rd edition focuses on ways to build an effective student affairs and services operation that puts students at the centre of all efforts by supporting them in their academic endeavours and enhancing their personal, social, cultural, and cognitive development. It aims to help professionals deliver a high quality, well rounded higher learning experience and to increase students’ retention and progress toward graduation. In addition, it wants to enhance students’ career/employment prospects and lifelong learning interests while conducting a life as a responsible, contributing community member and citizen.


Special Supplement: COVID-19


Life in the time of COVID-19
Higher education Student Affairs and Services responses to a worldwide pandemic – short-term and longer-term challenges and opportunities


Authors: Annette Andrews | Bekele W. Ayele | Lisa Bardill-Moscaritolo | Stephanie Deveze-Delaunay Michael Handford | Keith B. Humphrey | Shafiul Islam | Roger B. Ludeman | Qi Li
Adriana Perez-Encinas | Tiina Piipponen | Vianna Renaud | Birgit Schreiber | Robert Shea Louise Staunton | Juan Williams-Kudin

 International Student Affairs and Services

Interest in student affairs and services has been expanding throughout the world and this has been complemented by a growing commitment to providing students a more informed entry into the global world in which we live.


The challenges and opportunities that higher education staff and advocates are expected to address are more effectively addressed when ideas are shared, models are developed and modified, and when educators cooperate across borders to support the improvement of each other’s practice.


Two new publications are now available to help shape the future of international higher education. These two books are unique in their complementarity; they share several key authors and their content reinforces a shared message about enhancing student learning and development. These books are also distinct from each other, making them useful for different audiences and for different purposes.


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The book is relatively short (115 pages) and offers an overview of why and how institutions might look more deeply into the prospect of enhancing students’ learning and development both in and out of class.

Comparative analysis of educational practices and modifying approaches across environments is advocated including examples from authors in four international settings.

The book concludes with the two research and theory bases that are important to enhancing students’ experiences – student development and campus culture – as well as provides guidance on research, evaluation, and assessment, building staff capacity, and mutual partnerships.

This book will be of interest to all those who value quality higher education no matter what their role. The intent is to convince broader constituencies of the merit of enhancing the student experience so that students worldwide will benefit from intentional learning and development opportunities.


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Supporting Students Globally in Higher Education

(Osfield, Perozzi, Bardill Moscaritolo, & Shea, 2016)


Written for both new and seasoned student affairs professionals around the world, Supporting Students Globally in Higher Education, co-led by leaders from IASAS (International Association of Student Affairs and Services) and NASPA lays the groundwork for improving the lives of students. As globalization continues to flatten our world and internationalization efforts press forward, student affairs and services practitioners are uniquely positioned to assist students with attaining high-quality, holistic higher education, which in turn leads to the improvement of global society overall.


In Supporting Students Globally in Higher Education leaders from all parts of the globe contribute their expertise, presenting a variety of concepts in detail and with specificity, capturing nuance and country-specific flair, while also providing paradigm-changing examples.


Overarching issues include:
• Rapidly growing numbers of international students
• An increasingly diverse and mobile student population
• Expanding diversity of the campus at home
• Intensified cross-border cooperation in research and teaching
• More and different staff exchange programs
• Closer and more intensified cooperation of state actors


Other Links & Publications



ACA Book Press Release
International Student Support in European Higher Education: Needs, Solutions, and Challenge


ACPA-NASPA Professional Competency Areas for Student Affairs Practitioners


Borderless Global Movement Article by Richard Zereik and Eva-Marie Seeto (2014)


Global Summit on Student Affairs-Africa joins the global conversations by Bardill Moscaritolo & Shreiber (2014)


IASAS Research Study by Seifert, Perozzi, Li, Bodine Al-Sharif, & Wildman (2014)


IASAS special guest edition: 

Journal of Student Affairs in Africa Vol 5 (1) “Voices from around the globe” by Callhan, K. & Chinedu,  M. (2017)


Joining Hands Across the Seas: The Genesis of IASAS by Roger B. Ludeman


Professional Mentoring in Student Affairs: Evaluation of a Global Programme  (Eva-Marie Seeto, 2016)






Asia-Pacific Journal for Student Affairs (AJSA)



                                  Australia & New Zealand


Journal of the Australia & New Zealand Student Support Association





The Internationalisation of Higher Education in Spain: Reflections and Perspectives by Laura Howard & Adriana Perez-Encinas, 2017 Edition


Enhancing Employability in Higher Education Through Work Based Learning by Morley and others (2018)


Employability in a Global Context: Evolving Policy and Practice in Employability, Work Integrated Learning, and Career Development Learning by Martin Smith, Kenton Bell, Dawn Bennett, and Alan McAlpine, 2018


Enhancing Employability in Higher Education through Work Based Learning by Morley (2017)


European Higher Education Area: the Impact of Past and Future Policies, by Adrian Curaj, Ligia Deca, & Remus Pricopie (2018)


German Studentenwerk


Higher Education: A worldwide inventory of research centers, academic programs, and journals and publications (3rd Ed) Rumbley, Altbach, Stanford, Shimmi, de Gayardon, & Chan (2014)


Interview with LEAN in Higher Education by Vianna Renaud



                                             North America



Expect the Unexpected: Experiences of U.S.-Trained Student Affairs Professionals Working Abroad by Patricia Witkowsky


CIHE Perspectives No. 6: The Boston College Center for International Higher Education Year in Review, 2016-2017.


Higher Education: A worldwide inventory of research centers, academic programs, and journals and publications (3rd Ed) Rumbley, Altbach, Stanford, Shimmi, de Gayardon, & Chan (2014)


Enhancing Student Learning and Development in Cross-Border Higher Education  by Roberts & Komives (2016)


Journal of Education and Development in the Caribbean



                                               South Africa



Journal of Student Affairs in Africa


Perspectives on Student Affairs in South Africa Book





UNESCO/OECD Guidelines on “Quality Provision in Cross-border Higher Education”


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