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IASAS Volunteers contribute their time and talent through online arrangements that fit with their schedule.


Many volunteer opportunities are either short-term commitments of two or three months or long-term commitments of one or two years for leadership positions.


Whether you are new to IASAS or frequently volunteer, we value your dedication and flexibility.


As an international organization, IASAS connects with faculty, administrators, staff, and rising professionals on college campuses around the world.


IASAS is a 100% volunteer-run organization and through the work of our volunteers, we continue our mission to serve and advocate for student affairs and services practitioners around the globe.


By volunteering with IASAS, you will develop valuable professionals skills, expand your professional network and contribute directly to our profession.


Some of the many ways
to be involved...

Coordinate activities with membership in our various regions in a leadership position and work directly with the IASAS board!


You can... 



  • Publish in our IASAS Blog, an online space for members to share perspectives on issues and trends in the field that transcend borders



  • Write an article for the IASAS Quarterly Newsletter regarding new practices or programs developed on your campus​​​





  • Submit a conference session proposal to introduce your peers to the IASAS Regions Member network​



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Have a volunteer idea?
We welcome your suggestions.

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